The customer Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
Aids-Hilfe Schweiz, founded almost 40 years ago, is an NGO (non-governmental organization) financed by federal funds and donations. It deals with sexual and mental health, HIV and sexually transmitted diseases throughout Switzerland. It is particularly committed to vulnerable groups such as MSM (men who have sex with men), migrants and sex workers. With a team of 17 people in Zurich and one in Lausanne, it covers a wide range of services. Among other things, it offers counseling, treatment support, prevention programs and is committed to the rights and well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS. It also coordinates an extensive network of 21 cantonal and regional AIDS support organizations and 31 other related organizations in Switzerland with a total of around 400 employees.
Company: Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
Short description: Leading NGO in the field of HIV prevention and sexual health
Industry: Healtcare, NGO
Locations: Zurich and Lausanne, Switzerland
Target groups: Vulnerable groups, health professionals